Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Historical Day Tour in Lingayen

My husband is a tourist in my hometown, nevertheless his love for me may have made him love the place as well. This may not be true as there are a lot of things to like and remember each time we head back home.

For this trip I will tour him around Lingayen. Pangasinan. If my memory serves me correct, my Dad used to take me to play around the area and also to check the old planes which was preserved as a memoir of World Way II. This three hour tour are bits and pieces of the past, a view of the present and a peak on the promising tomorrow.

Panoramic View of the World War II Memoir in Lingayen

The World War II Museum

 It's time for his souvenir picture!

The Museum from afar

Photos of the past 

His enthusiasm made the tour lively and memorable. He is indeed a 
certified first timer.

It's time for his extraordinary shot 

The gallery is filled with interesting historical bits
... photos
and memorabilla

Now, its time for his speech

After the museum tour it's time to experience the big jets and 
land weapons of the past.

An old plane from World War II

The well preserved war tanks

One of the preserved World War II Weapons

We also took some pictures of the Lingayen Capitol Hall in different angles.

The Capitol Hall facing the Lingayen Beach

 The side view of the Lingayen Capitol 

The welcoming site of the Lingayen Capitol Building

                 As our tour/visit ends we also made a point to remember our ancestors who fought for the country's freedom.

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